Local Rules
Click to view Additional Local Rules
Heat Policy
Click to view Men’s Heat Policy
Click to view Women’s Heat Policy
Visitors & Guests
It is the responsibility of the Member to ensure that green fees are paid prior to play (any member that is seen not complying with this is liable to an automatic one months’ suspension from the Club). The Member must play with the visitor(s) introduced. All Members are expected to ensure that their guests comply with Club policies and Dress Codes
Practice on the course is limited to a single player hitting a second ball. Such practice shall not interfere with any other following player.
All members may use the practice facilities without restriction. Practice from the first Tee from 3pm to 5pm Monday to Friday

Membership Discs
Membership Discs are given to Members upon payment of membership and must be attached to golf bags. Discs should have Member’s name and current year’s sticker displayed. Replacement discs are available from the front office in the reception area of the Clubhouse.
Blue discs – Category A – Seven Day and Country Members
Green discs – Category B – Six Day, Veteran and Junior Members
Yellow discs – Category C – Five Day and Pensioner Members.
White discs – Medically approved members to use a motorized conveyance
Red discs – 9 Hole members and Juniors
Light Blue discs – Promotional – Come & Try 2 months and Get into Golf 2 months access
Orange discs – Promotional – Monday Membership
Neighboring properties
West Lakes Golf Club cannot stress how important it is to keep up a good relationship with our neighbours. Entering a neighbour’s property to retrieve a ball or use an extended retrieval device to retrieve a ball is strictly NOT permitted. Any member not complying with this will be liable to an automatic one months’ suspension from the Club.
Mobile phones
It is asked that all patrons use their mobile phones in a way that does not interfere with others enjoyment of the facilities.
Dress code
To view the West Lakes Golf Club Dress Standards, please click here
Liquor License
West Lakes Golf Club is a licensed premise and operates under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 (SA).
The consumption of alcohol on the course during play is permitted providing Members maintain conduct which does not impose on other players. Any alcohol consumed on the course must be purchased from the bar in The Clubhouse.
Excessive abuse of this privilege will attract disciplinary action by the Board. The Board may impose restrictions during certain events.
Players not conforming to these guidelines including being seen to have brought in alcoholic beverages from offsite shall be requested to leave The Clubhouse and/or Course immediately, and be required to attend a disciplinary meeting.